Focused Work
Work with timers
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Notarized by Apple. This app was scanned for malicious software and none was found.
Notarized by Apple. This app was scanned for malicious software and none was found.
Notarized by Apple. This app was scanned for malicious software and none was found.
Work with timers
Turn on a timer to focus solely on your task at hand. Choose between multiple various timer types to fit your work style perfectly. Use the app’s scratch pad tool to jot down any ideas on unrelated topics that pop up during the focus session to get back to them later.
It only takes a moment of weakness to go from unwavering focus to mindless scrolling, so Focused Work enables you to block websites and apps. Keep your eyes on the prize with distractions blocked for the duration of your focus sessions.
Set a reminder to start your focused work session for each day of the week. Curate your work down to the minute and make sure you stay on top of your goals with dedicated work time.
View your productivity sessions in the app's Productivity tab. Find the detailed breakdown of your session time, breaks, types of focused sessions, and more.